Tuesday, December 18, 2012
If today is anything to go by, this is going to be one long ass week. It's already a case of "so near, yet so far". As opposed to the case of Johnny Walker Blue Label I asked Santa to bring me. Then again, I'm not a politician. Although my mom often expressed the sentiment that I'd make a fantastic lawyer...
Welcome back to the world of brainless banality that is my virtual soap box. The only thing I could possibly have to complain about is that - as with much of the country - I'm just treading water at work until being released into the wondrous holidays. Sun, fun, and cirrhosis of the liver! And perhaps some light gardening...
Anyway, I have very little other than that that's even remotely worth whinging over. The office has aircon and is blissfully void of anyone else. Pity the same could not be said about the "mall" on Saturday. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but it was quite tolerable. I only threatened an untimely death once and there was the barest minimum of under-my-breath referrals to peoples' general ancestry. All my Christmas shopping, with the exception of some minor stocking fillers, is done. I've even wrapped it all and stuck it under the tree. Looks very festive in my house at the moment.
So what have you been up to? I am already firmly immersed in the activities of the season. Tonight will be my 3rd braai in 4 days. I think. I'm not too sure. I seem to have lost count in the blur of chops and fire. Damn, everyone's in high spirits. As long as the spirits level in your system isn't too high when you drive into a roadblock. Obviously. Grapetizer for me this evening, then...
The only other thing I've done is seriously get in touch with my geek-side. I have discovered the joy of the Big Bang Theory and can declare myself completely and utterly hooked. I even managed an episode before work today. At this rate I'll start wearing tshirts with funny slogans and not having a life. Oh, wait...
Nah, I have a severe dearth of sci-fi fantasy knowledge and am in no danger, now or ever, of reaching their levels of geekdom. Unless you count the education part of it. Speaking of this morning's episode, it was where Howard and Raj go to a Goth club. Why on earth are goths so badly represented in mainstream media? I mean, other than the fact that most are utter wankers. But doesn't that hold true for all subgenres of the human condition? I happen to know some awesome people that you'd immediately label Goth - people that genuinely live the lifestyle and aren't complete dipshits. It's like making the assumption that all metalheads are crusty troglodytes or that all hippies stink. At least we know that it's a universal truth that everyone who differs from me in musical taste has no hope of redemption or right to breed. Some things are apparently absolute.
Anyway, be on the lookout for a best of compilation of my most popular posts this year. It's easy when there's only one judge on the panel. But in the meantime, here's the original list, enjoy. I've been in very hot water for some of these before...
Oh, and lest I forget, it's The Dean's birthday today. Happy birthday old chap! See you later for a quick one!
NGDG: Advice to young job-seekers. You could do worse than just quote famous villains from Hollywood.
Spread The Love. Fill Ze Stockink!
But all metalheads ARE filthy troglodytes...