Wednesday, January 29, 2014


This lock will not work against the WarIngSuid.

Since we're in such a rich vein of form - band-wise - these days, let's discuss the unholy trinity of Cape Town bands about to unleash their beasts on an unsuspecting Joburg crowd. Yes folks, it's shaping up to be quite a fruitful time for local merrills. The Emalyth Art Expo is once again upon us and the organisers have seen fit to include The Warinsane (our very own porn protagonists), Ing (cavalier commentators on all the woes of this putrid planet), and Suiderbees (Bees.Poes...   wait for it... Brutaal) in this year's line-up. Keep an eye on your drinks and your daughters. Forsake all hope all ye who submit to their collective sonic insanity. And hold onto your knickers!

This is not a drill...

I've often contemplated seeking employment at a hardware store JUST so I could lurk about with an angle-grinder and inform unsuspecting D.I.Y enthusiasts just that.

I'm sad I can't go and witness the destruction my friends are going to cause up there. Nothing would give me greater pleasure then having a chilled beer at the bar and a quiet chuckle as the gathered masses choke on their own disbelief before being swept up into the madness that is never far from The WarIngSuid, as they are now affectionately known.
Alas, I have some of my own marauding to get on with. SUBVERS will be gracing the Klein Libertas stage on Saturday. Or rather, disgracing it. We're particularly proud to be included in this year's Summerfest and plan on showing you a thing or two. If your mind didn't immediately plunge gutter-wards, then you are reading the wrong blog...

There is no other news. Nothing particularly newsworthy, at any rate. Some old biddy was caught canoodling another old biddy in what has become a media frenzy and apparently has something to do with local politics and how unfair it is when people combine their resources to combat the glaring inadequacies of our current incumbents. Looks more like a Madonna-Britney publicity stunt to me. Someone please make a YouTube parody to the soundtrack of James' favourite Katy Perry song. Please. Actually, scrap that. Let's have some McCartney/Wonder love in the house. God knows we need it.

We'll get there one day...

NGDG: Headline of the day: "Syria only 'weeks away' from Bono charity single, warns UN."

Spread The Love. Together. In Perfect Harmony.

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