Monday, April 11, 2011

Mega Moanday - post WEEKEND WONDER (WOMAN?)

By now you should have realized the pic has sod all to do with the content. And the content has sod all to do with anything of any relevance.

Usually I moan about horrendous hangovers and the like, but today it's simply a general "Damn I wish I was on a permanent vacation" kind of complaint...

Somewhere exotic. Somewhere permanently bathed in sunlight. Somewhere renowned for it's beautiful scenery and even more beautiful women. Somewhere iconic the rest of the world clamour to get to and spend millions doing so.

Oh wait a minute! I already live in Cape Town. Now all I have to do is find a way to sustain myself whilst sipping ice cold beer with my feet up. If I had that answer you can be sure I wouldn't blog about it...

So this weekend was very productive. I played "engineer, engineer" for a very talented and exciting group of musicians, AXXON (well... 2 of them) as we set about recording guitars and vocals in my home studio. All went very well, I am glad to announce. Can't wait to hear the final product (watch this space - due by the end of the week).

Other than that, precious little happened. Which is probably a good thing. It's been a while since yours truly had to do damage control for an episode of unwarranted debauchery. The clock it is a-ticking... who would like to place a bet on when next I do something so monumentally, absurdly dumb that I land squarely in the kak again? Gives a whole new meaning to "digging yourself out of it..."

Anyway, children of the light, remain upbeat and let's make it to the end of the week with minimum casualties. Ha! As IF that's possible...

Tonight's illustrious gathering of bloggers promises to be tits up within minutes. Tarty Farty Tequila Party has somehow wormed her way into the sacred confines of that most holy engagement, band practice...

Band practices on Monday nights typically involve TDB and Rose Thorn, neither of whom blog anymore, and I feel they should be struck from the role. Or just struck for the hell of it.

Band practices also typically involve 3 other good buddies of ours: food, wine and beer. They promise to be making a turn tonight, stay tuned for some garbled whimpering here tomorrow...

Spread the love. Like cocaine on a hookers ass.

1 comment:

  1. I feel very honoured to have been allowed into the sacred confines of band practice. Thanks guys! However I did bribe my way into it with food! But I left feeling quite enlightened about the world of music.. and know now that a rockstar lifestyle is so much more exciting than being an actual rockstar...
