It's all too much! It's literally just too damn much. I don't know how I'm going to cope. If I wasn't so ticklish and kleinserig, I'd definitely put a fork in myself. I'm done.
Friday I found myself out in the Northern Suburbs there by the Tygervalley, where I grew up and harboured all sorts of sordid hope for all sorts of sordid unions between all manner of "opposite sexy" types. Needless to say, back in the day these remained rather unfulfilled. Anyway, I ended up in a place I used to know as Kaballas (or something like that) and was filled with the horror of the memories of sideways-foot-to-foot dancing and dodging the attention of the local rugby brekers. And true to form, I walk in and the first person I see is someone I know. Typical. Made it through the evening, which turned out rather pleasant.
Saturday I had a double birthday braai, which can be taxing, especially when there are as many children involved as has become the norm. Although whilst at the braai, the Hot Girlfriend and I were given a nice surprise. TDB and Me Swifty had spare tickets to the Hop On Hop Off Peninsula Tour Red Bus and gave them to us. So Sunday we went a touristing!
It is totally rad! We saw sights we normally scurry right past and hopped off at the Constantia Wine Route and Mariner's Wharf in Hout Bay. The Wine Route took us wine tasting at Groot Constantia where, you guessed it, I knew the dude behind the counter and got extra helpings and free port. Then, amidst some nagging and moaning, we alighted at a tiny little boutique wine farm no one (well, me) has ever heard of. Eagle's Nest is awesome. It really is tiny. You feel like you're intruding in someone's home, but the wines! Oh! The wines! Certainly going back there.
Anyway, back to the Waterfront along the Atlantic Seaboard and home we went, spent.
Monday involved me mostly building a wall in my back yard and swearing a lot. Then Rose Thorn and I got down to some serious band practicing.
Roll on Tuesday. Fleshgod Apocalypse day. As is the norm in this wonderfully delightful industry, 'hurry up and wait' was the order of the day, so George 'Strident' von Skingrinder (or something) and I had a pint at the ever-pleasant Peddlers. After introductions and a few beers, the first interview got under way. Then the touring bands arrived and there was a whole lot more introduction and beer. Having had a very cool interview with Big Bennie from Bile Of Man (who happens to be a scholar, a gentleman AND a crazy bastard all wrapped into one...), it was time for me to usher 2 members from the main attraction into our Voice Of Rock interview cinema. Seriously, these guys are so well spoken, laid back, totally chilled, eloquent, passionate about their craft, friendly, professional and all round cool dudes, I decided to like their particular brand of mind bending "orchestragasmic metal" immediately. They offer an unrelenting barrage of technical death metal fused with ornate orchestration of such demonic dementia, that the listener is left with nowhere to hide, their sonic sledgehammer taking no prisoners.
Wow! I wrote that WHOLE description without using the word 'brutal'. Aaah fuck!
Anyway, if that sounds like it floats your boat, mozy on down to Mercury Live this evening and have a gander for yourself. I'll be there. With earplugs in. So I don't get blood on my shirt...
And then it was back to work. Urgh. I could so be a lady of leisure, lemme tell you...
NGDG: ""You're perfectly entitled to your opinion that Colonialism tore your culture from its paradisaical life-world but do you have to illustrate it with such garishly ill-matching coloured tshirt and trouser co-ordinations?"
Spread The Love. Just The Tip. Just To See What It Feels Like...
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