Pinch me! Punch me in the balls! I'm going to see In Flames play this weekend. In fucking Tableau Voi no less! The annual Ramfest extravaganza of music, mayhem, mindfuckery and Emo Hunting is upon us.
Ok, maybe not Emo Hunting, since apparently the new one day format does not sit well with the whiney, entitled group of miscreants that miraculously managed to popularise the skinny jort. But that's a GOOD thing. I will be spending the weekend camping in the biggest sand box in the Western Cape along with a couple of intrepid metalheads, no doubt causing as much kak as my bar budget allows. Then all the one day festival people arrive via what I imagine will be the longest queue of vehicles since the registration for the Argus the other day and the real party starts!
Oh wait, did I mention I get to meet the lads from In Flames! I didn't? Well, guess what. I'm interviewing IN FUCKING FLAMES!!! Frankie Riester, the living legend from Voice Of Rock is indeed a wonderful, wonderful, great man. Jealous much?
Oh and to cap it all off, local lads Sabretooth are playing as well. Get there early for your dose of serious shredding and maniacal virtuosity. There will more than likely be screaming, fainting girls and a lot of hair as well...
And then whilst the rest of you recover at work on Monday morning, the Hot Girlfriend and I will be packing up our tent and heading home for a bit of a lie in, methinks.
And speaking of unspeakable awesome metal, please go and check out this week's Flashback Friday, brought to you by Metal4Africa. Featured on these hallowed pages this week, and honoured for being the bad ass metal band of the 90s, is none other than Stinkrock's bastard Hellbillies, the inimitable Pothole!
Hope your weekend is going to be as terrific as mine. If I remember any of it. If any of you see me this weekend, make sure to take as many pictures as you can, so I can piece together what promises to be a spectacular adventure. Also, we can play "how many pictures feature my eyes closed versus open".
NGDG: "Dewey took the easy road. No visual imagination."
Spread The Love. The Heat Is On!
Have fun. We're not going anywhere on Sunday courtesy of the Cycle Tour. And, because that's the way I roll, I have a funeral on Saturday in any case.