More like I just HAD to use this picture. It's too good not to use. I have sweet fuck all profound to say to accompany this picture. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
I'm proud to announce that I indulged in some wine-induced genius again last night. Can't wait to see the video recording of the greatest little acoustic (Grandpa's guitars) ditty ever written, written by me last night. Also, I have now been elevated into the ranks of "multi-instrumentalist" as I totally owned the violin part of 'Sear Me MCMXCIII'. Well, on the keyboard obviously, but still...
Now if only all this wonderful talent could miraculously get rid of this hangover...
Perhaps the gathering of souls DOOMY this evening for le evening of making 'slow, deep and hard' music will lift my spirits. Or maybe I should just continue the whole stinking cycle. Ah the high life of a pretend rockstar! (*Disclaimer - I'm actually a real rockstar, it's just one pesky little detail - the rest of the world largely has yet to acknowledge this.)
Breaking news. A dear friend of mine, Aunty Nexus, has just admitted that she would like to see me do a little tap dance wearing the following: A tutu. A black leather bra. Suspenders and fishnets. A bowler hat. You can't tap dance without a bowler hat. And for that matter, a cane. And a feather duster sticking out of my arse. The final rah would be in the form of a sarcastic "Happy now?" I have amazing friends! Just thought I'd share.
Stop drooling, Mary!
On a far more sombre note, Sickmind Flawed has been named and shamed as the new quizmaster (or as we like to refer to them, "MC Hammered") for the most fun you can have with your pants on, the LMG Pub Quiz. So mozie on over with your team of miscreants and sign up for this most entertaining of developments. Expect a fair amount of expletives. I can't wait!
Also, if the concept of answering questions all night and getting wankered at the same time floats your boat, go and check out the new MegaMusicQuiz hosted by MyMusicMatrix, the brainchild of the only member of The Bad Hatters that is allowed to stand during the True or False section, even if he gets it wrong...
In even more breaking news, I have managed to get my ugly chops in the virtual papers. Go and read ALL about this wonderful band for whom I perform the role of secondary axe-murderer, AXXON.
NGDG: "It saddens me when entertaining, quirky friends are hounded off Facebook for being themselves. I'm going to start reporting photos of kittens and sunburnt rabbits, and statuses about sunshine."
Spread The Love. Like In Andy's Room.
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