Today has been a fascinating one so far. I woke up sans debilitating hangover. It was just a little one. I have been assisting my new colleague to get settled in and have had to do an awful amount of explaining. I'd completely forgotten how complicated my job is. Perhaps I should pay more attention...
Tonight I (finally) lead the glory bound Team Burger King to, well, um.. glory! We shall triumph and top the podium on this night! Nerd teams be damned! We shall storm the battlements of "participating sober so we can get all the answers" on our mighty steeds of alcohol-induced-bravado-and-belligerence!
Man, I just love LMG Pub Quiz!
AND. Today heralds the brief reappearance of the Gospel according to Robert Smith. It actually means something today. Not that it normally doesn't, but this could give you quite an in depth view into my personal goings on. Not that any of you are THAT concerned with the grotesque and sordid details...
Book 5 : Chapter 4 : Verse 12 -13.
Come on! I dare you!
Another strange occurrence this week, and this may just cause very unseasonal weather phenomena to occur (indoors) - I have no band practice. All week. Every single night free of band activity. I have no idea what to do with myself. Ok, tonight is pretty much spoken for. So is tomorrow - I have the distinct pleasure of bursting a lot of bubbles held in such reverent esteem about the music industry. Young minds will be disillusioned. It's my contribution to the idea of weeding out the weak.
Thursday - well, we'll see what Thursday brings...
And then - blessed be - it is once again weekend. Which can mean only ONE THING. Yes folks. She's here...
The gloriously gifted, terrifyingly talented, achingly entertaining Shannon Hope is in Cape Town for the launch of her second full length album, Fight A New Day. This weekend the Cape Of Good Hope changes its name to the Cape Of Extraordinary Hope. She will mesmerise you with her poignant performance. She will capture you and enrapture you with her stunning vocal delivery. She will steal your heart and fill you with a haunting longing and a hatful of quirky, irrepressible humour. All this with a wicked little smile and a sincerity that borders on anxious honesty. I will be there, letting it wash over me like a beautiful tide.
If all of this seems a little heavy on the praise, it is with good reason. I am unashamedly a fan of exquisite music and Shannon Hope is currently on top of the pile. My opinion is considered and considerable. The only way you'll be able to gauge how accurate my views are is to be there and see for yourself. See where I'm going with this?
Saturday 5th November. 7:30 at the Fugard Theatre. Caledon Street. Do not miss out.
Speaking of considered and considerable opinions, here's another chap with some of those.
NGDG: "Blind dating never qualified for the Para-Olympics. Good enough reason for it not to be practiced recreationally."
Spread The Love. Eyes Wide Shut Style.
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