The Sleepers. The incredible, stupendous, mind-bending purveyors of musical majesty. Fuck the posers and the ill informed. This is the band that has a rightful claim to being considered as one of the best this country has to offer. Deservedly so - down to their baby toes.
They've been sleeping. Hibernating and hiding in the shadows. But... Kalooh Kalay! Oh Fraptuous Day! They have readied themselves for Season IV of this thrilling, gripping saga.
It may have occurred to you by now that I may be a fan of this band. Incontinently, unashamedly so! But unlike your run of the mill fanboy, I have the considerable credentials to substantiate any music related opinion, so you have no choice other than to accept my words as gospel.
So, The mighty, beautiful Sleepers will be making their first live appearance when they perform alongside 3rd World Spectator and Bicycle Thief at Mercury Live on the 20th of August. They will be unveiling their new vocalist - much like a bride before her first kiss - a momentous occasion...
And all this for the paltry fee of R30! The world is truly at an end...
Anyway, this salivating soul cannot wait! Hope to see as many of you there as possible. Wear ear bibs.
NGDG: "I'm quite looking forward to partying it up tomorrow night. Hope I haven't forgotten how. Put booze in face. Mock posers. Waste money. Like riding a bicycle, stolen from the bicycle shed."
Spread The Love. Catch Those Pesky Bicycle Thieves. Oh, And The Sleepers Of Course!
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