Anyway, let's not complain too bitterly. Instead let's make up our own chat-worthy lives as we go along. That's what I do, or attempt to, one dismal, fun, fuck up at a time. TEAM BURGER KING are almost all still complaining of hangovers - champions one and all! We may have accidentally made a pact on Tuesday night (or Wednesday morning) that if we win LMG Pub Quiz, we're jumping in whatever cars we have there and road tripping to Durban-by-the-sea. Personally, being the eternal optimist I am, I'll be attending quiz nights with a spare pair of sensible underwear, extra money and a toothbrush. You never know...
What an awful day in the Mother(less) City! I'm contemplating (on the strong suggestion of AntiNexus) to get nekked and run around the office. Pics or it didn't happen?
Seeing as this post should probably have something vaguely to do with all things intrawebnets related, what the Eitch Eee Double Hockey Sticks did we do before social networking and IM? I still do my work. Were my days that empty? Straight up, if it wasn't for those I'd go bonkers with boredom. And speaking of bonkers....
Book 10 : Chapter 3 : Verse 2 - 5
So as soon as I get out of here today, I'll indulge in a little run with Crazy Rob. You don't even want to know what he babbles on about. Most entertaining running partner ever. I do all the listening, like a horribly out of breath psycho-analyst. Or therapist of some description. Can you find the naughty word hidden in there?
NGDG: "Of all the comments about my ink, the most unusual by far is this, from a mall security guard: 'You have a nice body. Is like a spider.' "
SO I have received the call... The call to go drinking. From Tarty Farty Tequila Party. After footie. Margaritas at Fat Cactus, anyone? Ol' rubber arms over here will probably end up crawling through the front door at some ungodly hour again. Let's see if I have any resolve whatsoever...
Spread The Love. And Pass The Salt n Lemon.
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