So there I was. Doing my best impression of someone out and having a good time, engaged in random conversation, being personable and saying hi to people who I may or may not have met before. Dreading having to experience bands I have never seen before without the soothing, comforting haze of alcoholic numbness.
Well what do you know! The bands were freakin' brilliant. I'm always filled with a leaden sense of foreboding dread when I see a bunch of guitars randomly festooned over a small stage just propped up against walls or amps, even more so when one of the amps is used as the drinks table... *shudder* ... the horror! (Although it does at the same time bode well for a bit of good old fashioned rock'n'roll hedonism...) Anyway, long story short, Junkyard Parade were fantastic! Glued together by the rock solid and at times intricate licks and riffs courtesy of Etienne, they are a band with a particularly appealing sound. The rhythm guitarist cuts a John Frusciante type fIgure and is entirely immersed in the groove of the music, a contagious state to say the least! Aiden on drums beats the living daylights out of his kit very much adding to the Zeppelin-esque feeling created by the guitar duo. Layered in huge slabs over this, you have the decidedly funky bass lines and the sublime vocal delivery that carries no small dose of your daily requirements of Joe Strummer, and you have an eclectic, familiar, but fresh and exciting sound. For a young band they have a very bright future indeed. They delivered an ever-more-engaging set which culminated in a crashing crescendo and had the crowd going suitably bonkers. Well done, guys. I for one, will certainly be looking out for future performances.
Enter the main attractions for the evening, Dead Lucky. As they occupy the stage (and they OCCUPY it), you'd be forgiven for assuming you'd be in for a show of fuming, venomous, snarling punk-rock. Instead what you're faced with is a raw, raucous, almost rancorous rock that harks back to the good ol' days with strong songs referencing classic sounds that range from Golden Earring to Motorhead - a thoroughly unexpected and delightfully surprising experience. Do yourselves a big favour and go and enjoy these gentleman the next time they stomp their way into the hearts of an audience near you.
By this time the dancefloor was packed with bouncing, moshing bodies and everyone in the Jolly Roger was having a great time. Even I had shaken off the restrictive shackles of sobriety and was vainly attempting a serious conversation with Junkyard Parade's manager, but the Great Apes soon put a stop to that. Swanning around amongst the audience, the lead singer howled and hipswayed like a man possessed, leaving a little more space available to the musicians to deliver their devilish dose of in-your-face, off-your-face rock. By the end of it all, every person in the venue, bands and patrons alike, were out of breath and in high spirits.
That was a fantastic end to a fantastic Friday night, but wait. There's more...
Earlier that evening I had been persuaded to attend the We Love Real Beer Festival. Not too much of a push, I'd hazard... I almost got to the We Love Real Beer Festival. Almost. Read this review and then you'll understand why I didn't even make it to the queue to get in...
The rest of the weekend I worked very hard at successfully emulating a person in a coma.
Then when the weather turned toward the pleasant yesterday, I decided on an impromptu potjie. Great success! But enough of my Martharing, we're well into Monday. Hope you all have a great week. We're back to business as usual, with band and football and LMG Pub Quiz taking up their usual slots again. More on all that as the week unfolds.
Book 1 : Chapter 6 : Verse 1-2
Wonder what Rose Thorn is cooking up for us tonight... she said she was in the mood to make something mouthwateringly spectacular. No pressure...
NGDG: "Seen in Parkhurst: The only thing sadder than losing the Dungeons and Dragons tournament on Sunday afternoon, is having to walk home in the rain, wearing your favourite wizard's cape."
And on that bombshell, I bid you adieu til next we meet on these here hallowed pages, dear gentle reader. Have a good one and...
Spread The Love. With Abandon.
I <3 Real Beer! Wuss. :P