Yes, ladies and gentle folk. It's that most crazy of days again. A day that commemorates the killing of the Knights Templar. Those happy go lucky scamps!
Today is supposed to be a day of ghouls, ghosts and goblins. And Goths, if you wanna get technical. Gargoyles too, perhaps. A time to put on your favourite black outfits and celebrate your dark side in some dingy dungeon. Even the weather here in Cape Town is playing along.
You could get on with your life like any normal, sane person and go to the pub tonight and get pissed. Hopefully this will include enough levity to wash away the tensions of the working week. You could also go to the Jolly Roger tonight for a jolly rogering from the delightful collection of bands playing for your pleasure tonight. Sex Cauldron will woo you with their musky, raw animal appeal and Machineri will undoubtedly have you transfixed as foxy front lady Sannie bewitches you in a cauldron of her own. The mighty, majestic, magnificent Sleepers with then rock your socks, and shoes, and pants off! As they do. A band that can do no wrong will once again be right where they belong. On a stage, in front of you! Sounds like a blast. A blast of sheer magical Friday the 13th sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll!
[*Disclaimer. This blog does not condone the use of any illegal substances, I only casually make jokes about Rohypnol with my friends who find it hard to get laid...
...and then there's DrHellCuz]
So tomorrow the gruelling and never ending cycle of band rehearsals start again for the year. The harem of guitars has been cleaned and we're ready to go. Expect big things. That's what she said...
And back to all things ghoulish, ghastly and Gothy, tomorrow night sees the return of another Gotham party at Pandemonium. Do it - you know you want to. You'll get an eargasm of Goth, Industrial, New Wave, Metal, 80s, Dark Wave, EBM, etc.
Can you believe it? I actually have nothing more irreverent to add to proceedings. Nothing. How out of character for me. Let's hope to all things Holy that I am not coming down with a bad case of the "Adults" - that would be a tragedy.
In a last gasp attempt at redemption, I am going to go and find a suitably fucked up pic that you have undoubtedly already seen.
NGDG: "My mum seems to be alluding to grandchildren an awful lot. Maybe she should follow Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on Twitter for that fix."
Spread The Love. Like A Catholic Priest.
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